I Started this Blog Because i came across many people who are confused how to start CCNA study or what is CCNA all about??
So i came up with the idea of starting a Blog to Help my Friends who are willing to do CCNA with proper knowledge and not with the use of braindumps
I saw many of times that people request for dumps.The main purpose of this Blog isnt producing more and more braindumpers which already is happening
First i will tell about CCNA
The 640-802 Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) is the composite exam associated with the Cisco Certified Network Associate certification. Candidates can prepare for this exam by taking the Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (ICND1) v1.0 and the Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 (ICND2) v1.0 courses. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge and skills required to install, operate, and troubleshoot a small to medium size enterprise branch network. The topics include connecting to a WAN; implementing network security; network types; network media; routing and switching fundamentals; the TCP/IP and OSI models; IP addressing; WAN technologies; operating and configuring IOS devices; extending switched networks with VLANs; determining IP routes; managing IP traffic with access lists; establishing point-to-point connections; and establishing Frame Relay connections.
About Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam
Exam Number: 640-802 CCNA
Associated Certifications: CCNA
Duration: 90 Minutes (50-60 questions)
Available Languages: English
You can find more on exams at http://www.cisco.com/web/learning/le3/current_exams/640-802.html
Now Lets Start with Preparation
There are 2 types of CCNA Persuant
I] Who have already joined or looking for an institute.(It is not compulsory to join any institute for studying a CCNA but a guide is mostly useful moreover you get a proper lab to study.)
II] Who are self studying.(Self Studying also a good option to opt for)
How to prepare CCNA?
1.CCNA study through institute:-
If you can afford and can find any well reputed and well equipped (with all necessary cisco devices) institute in your area then you should consider your self lucky and take the admission ASAP.It is highly recommended way of study i suppose because you can work on real routers and switches and learn live through good teachers.
2.CCNA through self study:-
If you have a network background then u can start with CISCO PRESS book but i highly recommend SYBEX BOOK because it is easy as compared to CISCO PRESS for beginners.
You should also use Video Tutorials (Highly Recommended for Self Study Students)
a) These are made for whole world not for any specific institute/students.
b) You can take same lecture as many times as you want and at any suitable time when u have some free time for study.
c) Almost in all video trainings u can view live labs on live routers so it would also strong ur Lab knowledge.
Here is the list of some of the best, recommended & major video trainings provider companies.
1.] Train'signal ICND1 & 2
2.] Cisco press (CCNA video mentor)
3.] Cbtnuggets (640-802)
a)books===>then videotraings.
b)Videotraining===>then books.
c)books + video trainings at same time.
My personal experience says that option b) is better because as you go through the videos 1 or 2 times you will feel that the book is very easy .Anyway its upon you that what u like.
How I can perform Labs in self study?
1) If you have an institute which can permit you for practice Labs only (in some $) or you have any relation with CEO/teacher of that institute and he will give you access for only few hours per week then try it first bcz it is very cheap/helpful for you.I also used this way.
2) Use the dynamips router simulator.It will give you 100% results as real router give you.
3) CCNA Video mentor will be very helpful for you in preparation of Labs.
4) There are also some other router simulators like boson,routersim etc you can practise on them for switching but be sure that they dont give 100% results.
5) The companion CDRooms with sybex and cisco press books are available in my collection give me someday to search and upload.
6) You can practice with too many commands on already preconfigured labs by using CCNA Flash Cards
What are dumps/braindumpers and should i use these?
Dumps(pass4sure, testinside and testking etc) are cheats and the person who only relay on these to pass exam is called braindumper.
This is the most imp turning point of your IT career when you easily have access of dumps/cheats but you dont know that what should i do with these dumps?Now listen if you misguide at that time then you will become a braindumper and there is no medicine on any drugstore for it,once you become habit of braindumping then it may be possible that you cannot change it through your whole IT career (However u want to change it).At last i can only say that GOD bless You.Please dont waste your time and go away.
Well if you are facing any problem regarding study i e study material/problems while studying etc then u r welcome here.
2ndly CCNA is a base of CISCO certifications if your base is composed of dump then your walls(CCNP) must be need for dump and at last when you reach near top(CCIE LAB) then be remember that there is no dum for CCIE LAB.
3rdly you should think on that point that why all most all people are passing in CCNA,CCNP,CCIE (written) etc but when they reach to LAB then only few can pass it?
When and how i should use dumps?
Please during your study period dont think about any dumps.
I know that it is very hard for some people who arrange the fee (150$) and they cannot afford to fail . 2ndly i also agree that when you 100% prepare/confident for exam then you can use it but here is the way of use it
a)Before you hit the exam Approx 1 week earlier you can 1st try testking because it have also explanations for every question but be aware that it has many plenty of bugs.
b)Before seeing whole quesitons+answers of pass4sure open exam engine and try a virtual exam and see that how much u scored?This is the real score of your study/mind level without using any dump.So you again start study and see that in which areas you are weak and how much you need more study.Then again do a virtual exam and at last you will get 1000/1000.So now its the time that you can hit the exam.
*NOTE:-Everything mentioned above is just a suggestion for preparation of CCNA
Queries that can hit your mind after Reading this BLOG.......
What is the difference between CCNA(640-802) and ICND1 and ICND2? Which exam should I do?
CCNA 640-802 is the complete CCNA paper(combination of ICND1 & 2) if you feel that it is hard to pass for you or whatever the reason then you can give in a separate fashion I e ICND1 and then ICND2 and when you passed both exams then you will be awarded as CCNA certificate.
How often the Cisco updates their exam outlines?
Day by day new technologies are coming so whenever cisco feel that exam should be updated then they just subtract few chapters and add some new stuff and change the code so don’t b worry that you are preparing current curriculum and might be cisco suddenly change the exam. Regarding this matter Cisco have a policy that 6 month earlier (before the date of expiry date of an exam) they mentioned the new course outline so always check their official site for up-to-date info regarding this issue.
What are simlets, SIM etc and what is the exam scoring for each question and what are passing marks?
A Simlet is a single question containing few multiple choice questions. In which you have given access of 1 device or and by using specific command you have to answer the task.Sim means simulation, it is the single main lab in the exam, in which you have to perform a specific task assigned to you. Please note that in simlet and simulations only specific commands are allowed directly related to your task, so don’t think that these are real Cisco routers and switches and you can try all the possible commands on it which may help in your given task.
You can check at www.testinside.blogspot.com/ for latest simulation solutions.
Some questions in the exam have 0 marks and some have double marks. Be careful while doing simulation and simlets because these are the most important part of the CCNA exam, so if you failed in both and do all other questions correct then there is no surety that you can pass the exam btw the passing score is approx 850 out of 1000.
When and how I will receive my certificate?
When you will be passed your exam then you will be awarded a score sheet on which your cisco ID is also mentioned .Be keep in mind that this is your only identity on the world of cisco, in future when if you want to give a ccnp exam then you have to mentioned this while registration otherwise you will be in trouble. Anyhow when you passed CCNA after a day or 2days you will receive a mail for verification of your home address or where you want to receive your certificate via currier services. Cisco will send you a hard copy on that address and if you do not want hard copy then they can send you a printable soft copy. All is depend on you.
Note that Cisco take approx 6 to 8 weeks to send your certificate so dont be worried and be patience.
What is GNS3?
GNS3 is a nice gui interface of dynamips.You only need an IOS of a router and by using GNS3 you can make routers in your pc.These will give you 100% result as real router give and you can perform almost all labs on it. Here are some few helpful links regarding , I will add some more later when I will find.
Note:- If you have still problem with dynaimps/GNS3 then the best thing is to firstly consult them on their official forum = = > hacki.at/7200emu/index.php
Here you can find lots of preconfigured topologies and helpful stuff like that.
How often the exam questions change?
There is no specific time but every month or 2 month cisco add some new questions in exam and so when the lots of new questions arrive then the dump provider companies released their new version of dump which is 100% accurate with respect to real exam.
But what you will do when tomorrow is your exam and today they change almost all the questions……! This has been happened many times in the past, you can check some old posts here if you do not trust on me.Also by using dump still people failed check these threads
Links for some of the important stuff required for preparation of your CCNA Exam 640-802
CCNA BOOK (640-802)
Sybex Press 6th Edition by Todd Lammle
CCNA CBT Nuggets (640-802)
1st CD
2nd CD
Pass4Sure Dumps Version 3.15ld87
Pass4Sure Dumps Version 3.15fbhfg (Dated 22/08/2008)
Pass4Sure Dumps Version 3.20 (Dated 25/08/2008)
PowerPoint Presentation Slides (Best for quick reference)
1)Lan Switching and wireless
CCNA LAN Switching and Wireless -=[wWw.ccnaguidance.blogspot.cOm]=-.part1.rar
CCNA LAN Switching and Wireless -=[wWw.ccnaguidance.blogspot.cOm]=-.part2.rar
2)Routing Protocol and Concepts
CCNA Routing Protocols and Concepts -=[wWw.ccnaguidance.blogspot.cOm]=-.part1.rar
CCNA Routing Protocols and Concepts -=[wWw.ccnaguidance.blogspot.cOm]=-.part1.rar
More Links Coming Soon
Monday, August 18, 2008
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